Join Farm Bureau

Why Join?

Thank you for considering a Farm Bureau membership. For your convenience, there is an option to join online or to print a membership application to be mailed to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau office.

Voting Members: Persons and partnerships, unincorporated associations and corporations organized for agricultural purposes, actively engaged in the business of production agriculture or services related thereto, or owners of agricultural property are eligible as voting members.

Associate Members: Other persons, partnerships, unincorporated associations and corporations interested in the philosophy and objectives of this Association may be accepted for membership as Associate Members, but without the right to vote or to serve as a voting delegate or director.

Offline Application Process

Follow these steps to join:
1.    Download a printable application.

2.    Return the application with dues payment for your county Farm Bureau to:

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Customer Service-Farm Bureau
PO Box 5550
Madison, WI 53705

For Questions Contact Us

First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Business Name is required.
Check Format. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Street is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Postal Code is required.
Email is required.
Phone is required (Check Format '555-555-5555').
Passwords need to match
How did you hear about us is required.